Sweet Anticipation


Well…here it is…
Due Date!! 🙂

We have prepared so much for this day. No matter how many times the midwives say “it could be any time from 37-42 weeks”, that due date you are given at your first scan really sticks in your head. 

Today, as I sit here bouncing on my birthing ball, feeling that warm July sunshine on my skin, I feel every second tick by, every minute, time is going so slowly. All of the jobs are done. Our house is sparkling thanks to weeks of nesting, the hospital bags are packed, I’m highlighted, waxed and manicured……I feel SO READY! Ready to meet our son and hold his tiny little body in my arms. To look into his eyes and breathe in his sweet baby smell. 

I have LOVED being pregnant, so much more than I imagined I would. I know not every mum-to-be has such a smooth ride, but there is something really magical about feeling your baby getting bigger and stronger inside you. It’s a blessing that a year ago, I thought I may never be able to experience, but here we are, almost at the finish line and for that, I’m so thankful. 

Perhaps I’ll miss it being just the two of us, of running my hands over my giant tummy when I wake up every morning. I’ll miss those kicks and stretches while I lay in the bath and the way he gives me butterflies when we go for a walk. 

So, instead of wishing the time away waiting for our little man to make an appearance, I’m going to enjoy these last few hours/days/weeks of carrying my tiny babe, of peace and quiet and the sweet anticipation that he will soon be here. 

Reflecting on the last 40weeks…I thought I would share some of the things that I feel have really helped me to enjoy this pregnancy, while they are all fresh in my mind. I’m certainly no expert at all, this being my first pregnancy. I’ve been given so much wonderful advice from family and friends. I feel like I’ve embraced and absorbed all of it, some worked for me, some didn’t. So below is a list of some my saviours and the things I’ve really enjoyed during pregnancy. Hopefully some of this will be helpful to more ‘mamma-to-be’s’ too.


Essential Oils
This had to be at the top of my list. I hadn’t really dabbled with essential oils until pregnancy. We’re all lovers of Lavender in this house and would often buy nice scented candles and lotions and potions, but the true benefits of using pure essential oils in everyday life were undiscovered.
Again, I’m no expert on this, so it’s best to do your research, particularly during pregnancy, as there are many oils that professionals say are unsafe to use. I would urge you to discuss with your midwife or a health professional before trying any of the below as your circumstances may be different to mine. Here are a few of the Oily Combinations that have worked well for me:

Roman Chamomile – Soothes muscles and deliciously calming.
I’ve never really struggled with sleeping, but the insomnia hit me hard those first few months of pregnancy. Since then, I’ve been adding 3-4 drops of Chamomile (German or Roman) to a bath every night (incredibly, that’s enough!). This, on most occasions, has sent both myself and Colin into a lovely sleepy haze. It even works on Archie, who thinks my oils are like magic potions 🙂
I’ve also added just a drop to Almond Oil for a night time massage, and we’ve even Diffused it before bed. A winner!!

Grapefruit – Uplifting and aids digestion.
I’ve made a little morning body oil with a few drops of Grapefruit and one drop of Bergamot mixed with Almond Oil. We put a few spritzes on our chest and shoulders each morning before stepping into a steamy shower and it’s really helped to wake us up and get things going. This is a particular favourite of Colin’s. I’ve worked long hours throughout my pregnancy, leaving early for flights and this has been a great boost to get me up and raring to take on the day. 

Geranium – Balancing and pain relieving.
I LOVE the scent of this oil, but it’s only recommended for pregnancies with no complications and only in the third trimester. It’s been perfect mixed with one drop of Lemon oil and almond oil as a rub for swollen feet and ankles before bedtime. 

There are so many more too, but these would be my personal favourites. I feel like I’m just beginning my journey into the magic of essential oils, so if you have any other suggestions, I’d love to hear, just post in the comments below. I’m looking forward to using them with our little one too when he arrives. 

Again, that precious sleep that alluded me in those early months still haunts me. One of the best things we bought was this DreamGenii Pillow . It’s like a big long sausage, with a small attachment for extra support. You can wrap your body around it to ease pelvic pain and elevate your bump and it still supports your back. It also discourages you from turning onto your back, which I kept doing through the night. It’s been amazing, so much so that I contemplated taking it on flights and in my boot to hotels when working away!! You can even use it as a nursing support, but I’ve bought the Widgeynursing pillow for that instead. 

Relaxing Music
I downloaded an album of relaxing piano music to listen to in the bath, before bedtime or anytime I’m just relaxing. It not only relaxes me, but I’m hoping that when the little man arrives and we are settling him down for sleep and doing some baby massage, it will remind him of being inside and mummy feeling chilled. Hopefully this will relax him too.
There are tonnes to choose from, but I like listening to an album of 43 songs called ‘Pregnancy Relaxation music’ available for around £7 on iTunes. 

Make-up and Skincare
OK, so I could go a little mad here recommending hundreds of products, but the most important thing is that you pay attention to your skin. It will most likely change throughout your pregnancy and you will need different things to support it.
For me, that first trimester, my (already oily) skin was like a teenagers, hormonal and greasy, with make-up slipping off. I was taking ‘pregnancy glow’ to a whole new level!! I had to strip back the cream blush and hydrating lotions and swap for gel-like textures.
Once those first few months were over though, my skin became much dryer and more dehydrated, this is particularly common during pregnancy. I was thankful for the clearer complexion, but I would need to improvise if I wanted that lovely pregnancy glow we all crave.
So here are just a few products that I’ve loved and why:
Extra Balm Rinse – The richest, most delicious smelling cleanser I’ve ever tried. Think silky soft lemon curd that leaves dry skin hydrated.
No Puffery – Eye Mask – Perfect to apply as soon as you wake up and leave for a while whilst you drink your morning tea.
Extra Eye Repair Cream – Not just during pregnancy, I’m always obsessed with this stuff. Rich, delicious eye cream that’s the perfect base for make up.
Extra Illuminating Balm – The PERFECT product to fake your pregnancy glow, just blend a little with your foundation.
Pale Pink Pot Rouge – This is a pretty fresh pink pop with a little added moisture.
Almond Oil – After spending a fortune on various anti-stretch-mark oils and creams, I’ve decided that this is my fave. You can just mix a little essential oil of your choice (I like Chamomile for the evening and Grapefruit for the morning) or use alone so it doesn’t interfere with your fragrance.
Gloomaway Body Moisturiser – Super bright and refreshing, the perfect morning moisturiser. I have loved this citrus smell during pregnancy.
Ojon Moisture Rich Cleansing Conditioner – As my skin got dryer, my hair got oilier, so this amazing all in one shampoo and conditioner has worked wonders for me!! So quick and easy too, I’m sure I’ll be using it over the next few months when my showers are a little rushed!

Fetal Doppler
That first time I heard his heartbeat, I cried. I actually found it more moving than the scans. Just magic!!
I loved it so much that the midwife suggested I buy one to use at home so Colin, Archie and our mums could hear him too. I’m so pleased I did.
While it’s not recommended that you use your Doppler every day, just once a week for a minute or so is all you need. I would usually do this on a saturday morning so we could all have a listen. It’s been a really lovely way to further bond with our baby.
I must say though, please don’t use a doppler as a substitute for a professional. If you’re worried about movement, you must check with your midwife. 

Maternity Wear
I’m stating the obvious here a little, but for me, this has made huge difference to how much I’ve enjoyed my pregnancy. For a while, I was trying to squeeze into my pre-pregnancy clothes, but everything was ill-fitting with my new shape.
I then started wearing big baggy things thinking I could hide all of the lumps and bumps.
Don’t bother!!
While your maternity clothes won’t last forever, treat yourself to some key pieces that you feel really confident in so you never have that whole ‘I look so big and fat and horrible’ feeling. ASOS is amazing for maternity wear, as is H&M and now Zara have a maternity range too!
Get yourself fitted for a good maternity bra (a pretty one if you can) and treat yourself to some lovely flat, slip on shoes that you’ll enjoy wearing.
Remember all the jewellery, handbags and accessories you buy will last, so treat yourself.
Feeling like you look your best during pregnancy will really help you to enjoy it!
Once you have some nice clothes to wear, you’ll be far more likely to feel like going out and showing off that beautiful bump!!

Finally, just get out and about. Enjoy the special time you have growing your little miracle.
If you’re working, it’s easy to beat yourself up about being tired and wish away the weeks until your maternity starts, but don’t.
You are AMAZING!! Wear your beautiful bump with pride, take pictures, stay active, eat well and pamper yourself when you can….you deserve it Mamma!!

Now I’m off to spend a few hours in the tub 🙂

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Great British Strawberry Puds…for cheaters!


'Babymooning' in Apricale, Italy